Established in 1993 by father-daughter duo Nouhad and Joumana Dammous, with the instrumental support of the late Claude Comaty-Dammous, Hospitality Services is an event management and publishing company. The firm organizes trade shows, exhibitions, forums and virtual events that stand at the heart of the region’s food, hospitality and tourism industries. Furthermore, the company has sound expertise in creating tailor-made events for its clients, providing a comprehensive service, from event design to production and logistics.
With a talented team of over 20 professionals, Hospitality Services is constantly evolving, adapting to new ways of working in a digital era while finding smart and effective tools to connect hospitality and foodservice professionals. By continuously investing in its websites, social media platforms and online services, the firm is helping companies build networks, acquire data, reach new prospects and position themselves as thought leaders.In addition, In addition, Hospitality Services produces three magazines — Hospitality News Middle East, Taste & Flavors and Lebanon Traveler. Available in print and digital format, each with its own dedicated online platform, these publications serve as key references for the hospitality, food, lifestyle and tourism sectors.